10 things not to do in a relationship

1. Don't be busy all the time - If you are continuously travelling because of work, friends etc then don’t expect you’re other half to stick around especially if you have no time for them. Make time for your partner, make sure they feel loved, make time to get to know them, because at the end of the day a person who is feeling unloved and unwanted will leave eventually for something better and you will miss out. “It’s not about having time but about making time”
2. Don't be glingy - This straightaway will kill your relationship don’t strangle your other half with your presence in absolutely everything. Give them space let me them feel our absence in order to actually miss you too. Clingy-ness will just make your partner to want to run away from you. “Absence will make the heart grow fonder”
3. Don't lie or exaggerate - If you begin a relationship based on lies you cannot seriously think it will last. If you lie or even exaggerate the truth to impress your other half it will only come out later on, one way or another and you will look ridiculous. If you lie and are found out you will only cause your partner to mistrust you, not really worth it. “Honesty is the best policy”
4. Don't lack self-love - If you don’t love yourself how do you expect your partner or anyone else to love you? Lack of self-love can lead to things like clinginess, lack of trust and just arguing of little things. All of these can make a relationship hard. So don’t forget to love yourself first because it will help your partner to love you and it will mean you will be able to love your partner the way they deserve too. “Self-love is the air beneath all our relationships”(Elin Stebbins-Waldal)
5. Don't stalk your partner online or anywhere - Social networking is the easiest way to stalk someone. Problems will happen when you post something on your partners e.g. “I love you” FB page and they don’t respond to you but respond to others. Naturally you will feel hurt but seriously don’t over react just because they didn’t respond to you doesn’t mean they don’t love you anymore or you’re not priority. “Don’t let FB ruin your relationship”
6. Don't look for perfection - You will be sourly disappointed if you are looking for a perfect partner. We are human we are not perfect, if you look at yourself close enough you will find your not perfect either so why should your partner be? Humans are prone to make mistakes, don’t have such high expectations of your other half that they cannot fulfill will only cause unnecessary pressure in the relationship. “Perfection is not happiness, accepting each other’s faults is happiness”
7. Don't make comparisons - If you’re going to compare your relationship against others your always going to be disappointed. This will definitely cause resentment in your partner towards as they will feel that you don’t think they are good enough for you. Well of course they will, comparing someone with others will only make them feel insecure. Learn each other’s likes and dislikes get to know each other and don’t judge if they are different to you. “Accept the partner you have if you want to be happy”
8. Don't nitpick - If all you do is find fault with absolutely anything you will inevitable drive your partner away. They key is not to focus too much on irrelevant things and focus on the good things that your partner does. This way the annoying things will seem so insignificant in comparison to the good stuff that your partner does on a daily basis. “Appreciate the good things, and don’t dwell on the bad stuff”
9. Don't be possessive - Don’t allow small jealousies and insecurities to make you behave all possessive towards your partner and that is really unhealthy. It is probably the most damaging to any relationship as it can lead to horrible things other than a break up like abuse. Yea a little bit of jealousy and possessiveness is good shows you care about your partner but don’t go overboard. “A little jealousy is good, a lot of jealousy is abuse”
10. Don't humiliate your partner infront of friends - if you do this people will not respect your partner, your partner will feel insecure and probably eventually resent you for it. Even if it is funny, it may not be funny to your partner in front of everyone else. Your partner trusts you to treat them well in front of friends and in private so don’t be different person towards them in the company of others. “Expect the best treatment from your partner in privacy and in company”